
Monday, September 10, 2012

Wow, it has been a crazy around here.  Lynn started back at worker (teaching) and we finished our requirements to become licensed.  Last Tuesday we received our license information and became official!!!  Now, we wait for a call.  

On Sunday we were blessed by friends that wanted to show us support and love by giving us a shower and we felt loved and supported.  We were deeply blessed and humbled at the people who wanted to give to these children that they don't know yet.  The prayers are greatly needed so keep them coming

Right now we are waiting for a call, sometimes it takes a few days and other times it can take weeks.  We are sorting through things we have received and getting last minute things done.  We won't have everything we need and won't know what we will need until we get a placement.  Diapers or underwear, formula/baby foods or whatever.  We received some gift cards and we have found the convertible car seat we want to get (that is a car seat that fits 5-65 lbs, backward and forward facing).

We will update as soon as we get a placement.  Again, thank you all for your gifts, donations, prayers and words of encouragement :)

Lynn and Angela