
Friday, February 24, 2012


As God brings two together to become one, Angela and I see different sides of the same coin. Our different perspectives, in Christ, help us to be a whole that we hope He uses to act as His hands and feet.

While Angela is much more driven by heart, I know that I am much more driven by head. I think things through, I ask obnoxious questions to verify and validate everything, to prepare as best as possible. And while I agree wholeheartedly with Angela that the care provided by this agency with whom we just spoke seems so much more Christlike, more sincere and thorough than the first agency with whom we met, other aspects of this touched agency me, as well.

The cost of this agency is about $5000 less than the first agency. What this means to me is that we can have less debt (which we want to avoid as much as possible) and that Angela can stay home sooner. They do not charge just to be put on their list of possible adoptive parents, and they do not charge when a match is made with a potential adoptive birth mother. This gives us more time to save, to fundraise, and to see how God is going to work miracles in our lives.

Angela has said that she is more timid about asking others to support us, and in a way I am too, but I want to act in the faith of Hebrews 4:16—"Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need." If He has called us to this ministry, He will equip us both spiritually and financially to walk through each step.

As Angela mentioned, some dear friends who moved away a couple of years ago contacted us out of the blue saying they wanted to help us with the adoption. I was humbled, grateful, and thankful, and I thought "Each little bit helps. Thank you God for prompting them to share in our journey with us." When the check arrived yesterday, there was an extra 0 at the end of the number. And the emotion that I felt was "Awe!" Their check will allow us to apply to this new agency right away and have money left over to start an adoption fund savings account. My jaw literally dropped for a few moments, as I realized again that God is going to be faithful, just as He has always been, and that we definitely are in the center of His will as we walk through this journey.

God is much bigger than our tiny boxes can ever contain, and we can only stand in awe to watch what He is going to do!


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